We know this resource list is partial and will be every growing and are very encouraged by the increased attention occupational therapists are paying to the important work of decolonizing our practice and working towards reconciliation. The URL links were actice as of April 2019.
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) Position Statement
Occupational Therapy Now Publications

Time for action: Occupational therapy responses to the TRC. OTNow July 2019. Open access special issue for free dissemination https://caot.ca/company/roster/companyRosterDetails.html?companyId=103563&companyRosterId=107

Introducing a space for dialogue: Aboriginal peoples health in occupational therapy in Canada. (Occupational Therapy Now, 2011).
Gerlach, A., & Jull, J.E.
https://caot.in1touch.org/document/3917/OTNow_May_11.pdf pages 11-12
Aboriginal peoples health & occupational therapy in Canada finding my own path to travel: an Aboriginal student's journey in occupational therapy. (Occupational Therapy Now, 14.1, 2012). Valaavara, K.

Supporting Indigenous elders in their contribution to the well-being of their communities: a partnership approach. (Occupational Therapy Now, 2017).
Viscogliosi, C., Asselin, H., Basile, S., Couturier, Y., Drolet, M. J., Gagnon, D., ... Levasseur, M.
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) Publications
Health equity, Aboriginal peoples and occupational therapy. (Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2012).
Jull, J.E., & Giles, A.R.