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Resources for eduating ourselves are ever growing and we encourage occupational therapists to start with self-education  before reaching out to others.  Many Elders and Knowledge-keepers have generously agreed to be recorded so as to share most widely and reduce the demands on their precious energy and time.  A number of organizations add regularly to their resource databases so we encourage you to look under the other tabs on this website a well. This list is of course not exhaustive, all URLs were active as of April 2019.

Myths and Facts
EO:Challenging Stereotypes - Manitoba
Wab Kinew - Recognizing and Unlearning 
Racism, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Cultural Safety - Shelagh Rogers interview with Senator Murray Sinclair
History and Colonization 

In Our Words - First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Association of Ontario

These videos explore how the dispossession of land from Indigenous Peoples took place throughout what is now called Canada. These videos provide several perspectives through the personal narratives of Oneida and Anishinaabe Elders and recognized Knowledge Holders.

8th Fire - CBC and Wab Kinew 

Out of the Anishinabe's Seven Fires comes the idea of the eighth: the settler community and Aboriginal peoples must come together for harmony and justice. "8th Fire" travels coast to coast with host and journalist Wab Kinew to show the need Canada has to mend its relationship with the Aboriginal people and offer a way to get it right the second time around.

Colonialism and its Impacts

This is one in a series of fact sheets discussion colonialism and its impact on Indigenous peoples. This is part of a series of fact sheets produced by the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women.

Residential School Survivors

Where are the Children?

Information about residential schools, impactful photo-voice stories of survivors, and links to other resources.

Legacy of Hope

Educational resources including workshops manuals and videos.The LHF also has a full suite of workshop guides providing culturally-infused activities relating to aspects of the Residential School System.

Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program

The Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health, emotional and cultural support services to eligible former Residential School students and their families. Information on cultural support and professional counselling. 

Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples in Canada: National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21)

This is a toolkit and learning guide on celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day; interactive booklet with ideas on traditional and contemporary activities.

IHP Learning Series: Who Are Indigenous Peoples?

Who Are Indigenous Peoples? is the second video in a five-part series designed by AHS’ Indigenous Health Program to introduce AHS staff and healthcare providers to information on Indigenous peoples in Alberta, social determinants of health, and strategies to help increase culturally safe

Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program

The Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program provides mental health, emotional and cultural support services to eligible former Residential School students and their families. Information on cultural support and professional counselling. 

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Interim report that gives details on the history and process of the Inquiry:

Our Women and Girls are Sacred: comprehensive overview of the process, including information on latest news and events.

Elder in the Making

Elder in the Making is a 6 episode series following two men discovering their heritage within Canada.


A non-profit speaker series that expresses and embodies Indigenous world views from elders, teachers, youth and allies.

Truth and Reconciliation: Health Care Organization (McGibbon, 2019) - Clearly explains how focusing on individual  patients as the locus of any health problem, instead of socio-economic, political and environmental forces, perpetuates colonialism and accompanying mental and physical illness.  There are concrete actions to address systemic racism within healthcare organizations. Retrieved from

Better understanding fostercare and homelessness

Native Counselling Services of Alberta  Video Series

Working Towards Alliship

Using the TRC in Advocacy 



Land Acknowledgements 

From CBC - A statement recognizing the traditional territory of the Indigenous people who called the land home before the arrival of settlers. Land Acknowledgments have dated back centuries for Indigenous people, but is a new concept for non-indigenous Canadians; however it is an action that many Indigenous people says marks a small but essential step toward reconciliation. 

Describes how to write your land acknowledgement. 

First Nations & Inuit: Traditional Names and Locations Map.

150 Acts of Reconciliation: Many of these are small, everyday acts that average Canadians can undertake, but others are more provocative that encourage people to think about Indigenous-settler relationships in new ways.

Honoring Strength, Creativity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing 

Indigenous Ways of Knowing 

The First Nations Health Authority discusses the importance of Traditional Healing for Indigenous People within the healthcare system. It is a health authority within British Columbia, but provides information for health care practitioners across the country.


Indigenous Group of Seven:

Musicians: CBC Reclaimed - Indigenous artists connect to culture through song:

Fashion: Vancouver Indigenous Fashion Week:

Theorizing colonialism and Indigenous liberation: contemporary Indigenous scholarship from lands claimed by Canada: aims to deconstruct dehumanizing ideologies in popular Canadian media and academic writing; and describe and analyze Indigenous resilience (survival), resistance (decolonization), and resurgence (existential self-determination).

Coburn, E. (2016). Alternatives: Theorizing colonialism and Indigenous liberation: contemporary Indigenous scholarship from lands claimed by Canada. Studies in Political Economy, 97(3), 285-307.

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