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The resource are evergrowing and we encourage you to bookmark organizations that align with your work and visit them regularly for updates.  The URL links on this page were active as of April 2019.

Indigenous Health Equity: Examining Racism as an Indigenous Social Determinant of Health
​Dr. Marcia Anderson and Dr. Elizabeth McGibbon
First Nations Mental Wellness Continum Framework and Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
Select Health Indicators of First Nations People Living Off Reserve, Métis and Inuit
Statistic Canada​
National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health Resource booklet- This resource booklet provides an overview of the activities, mandate, and publications of the National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health (NCCIH). The booklet offers a quick glance at the many knowledge resources, including fact sheets, reports, videos, podcasts, and interactive media available on the NCCIH social media channels and responsive web site.
Facts and Figures
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A Statistical Profile on the Health of First Nations in Canada: Determinants of Health, 2006 to 2010

This link takes you to the highlights of a report on the determinant of health from 2006-2010; Government of Canada.

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Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Downloadable powerpoint examining the prevalence of obesity in Canada within Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

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Diabetes Canada: Clinical Practice Guidelines for - Type 2 Diabetes and Indigenous Peoples

This resource contains practical tips for health care providers for caring for Indigenous peoples living with diabetes including acknowledging the impact of colonization and education on prevention and treatment.

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First Nations People and Heart Disease

*Provides statistics but also promotes "supporting medical research" - do we want to post this website?

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Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health, Second Edition: Beyond the Social (Book)

This collection explores how multiple health determinants, such as colonialism, gender, culture, early childhood development, the environment, geography, HIV/AIDS, medicine, and policy, impact the health status of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Grounded in expert voices of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis writers from coast to coast, this updated edition includes a chapter on environment and land defence.

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Indigenous Peoples and Communities in Alberta

The purpose of this booklet is to provide information about Indigenous peoples including demographic details, Indigenous identities, cultural practices, historical events, wellness approaches and social determinants of health.  Although written by Alberta Health Services the information is of value to therapists in other provinces as well.

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