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Click here for a short preamble that provides more detail about the project development and the survey we carried out to identify to what degree occupational therapists experience the different forms of workplace violence. 


The 7 units in this module provide detailed information about violence in health care workplaces, including a clear definition, a description of the factors that increase the risks of violence, and realistic actions and resources that can be used to prevent and manage wide-ranging forms of workplace violence. Click here for a handout of the preamble slides. 


We recommend you watch the units in order.  We have kept them short so they are suitable for coffee breaks and lunch time viewing and discussion with coworkers.  There are also downloadable PDFs with each unit.


After viewing the units be sure to  check out the opportunity to receive a certificate of participation.


We welcome your feedback - click here to send us an email.


Cary Brown and Annette Rivard 


(last updated June 2017)


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